Earlier in the summer, I had the seemingly brilliant idea to set some of my tangles in jewelry. The tangled papers are glued to the bottom of a glass cabochon and then mounted in a bezel setting. Like so:

These photos are taken with my phone so please excuse the quality. There's also some residual glue along the edge of that piece. Heck, I was still learning!

More! The biggest of these, the round one in the middle, is just 1.5" so the artwork is crazy small. Not all are centered, some have "silvering" happening, and some are just not my favorite, but I just love, love, LOVE the concept! I've been wearing the two oval ones a lot this summer and continually get compliments.
A little while later, I was working with my friend Patti at her home studio and asked for some of her papers. She has her own line of stencils and is constantly working on her gelli plate. She gave me some of her clean-up sheets that she uses to clean her roller and, voila!, these happened:

So fun, aren't they?!?!? I've set these and sold a couple already, and have great plans for more. Love having these creative collaborations with other artists. Thanks, Patti!